Forum Discussion

adam88_359238's avatar
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Feb 11, 2019

iRule When HTTP Response Behavior

I'm trying to do a thing where if the F5 detects that the pool does not have active members, it will redirect the users to a specific URL but in addition it will also delete a session cookie.

I learnt from another question here on DevCentral that the

HTTP::cookie remove
needs to be used in the HTTP Response section for it to remove cookies from the user's browser.

So the question is, would the

command triggered from the iRule also trigger the
section of the same iRule?

  if { [active_members http_pool] = 0 } {
    HTTP::respond 302 noserver location ""
    set pool_status "nomember"

  if { $pool_status eq "nomember" } {
    HTTP::cookie remove "sessionID"

2 Replies

  • The remove command will remove the cookie from the response, not ask the client to remove it from it’s cache...

    To remove a cookie from client cache, you must set an expiration time before current time... the best practice is to set it to 1970!

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      if { [active_members http_pool] = 0 } {
        HTTP::respond 302 noserver location "" Set-Cookie "sessionID=path=/; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT"