Forum Discussion

Tim_W_72292's avatar
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Oct 24, 2007

Irule with Multiple HTTP checks

Hi All,



I am trying to write a rule that will do multiple check within the HTTP headers, is this possible? Here is what I was thinking:




if {[HTTP::host] equals and [HTTP::status] equals "400" and [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/url"} {


log local0, "log of issue"}





Will this work as I think it will or are there constraints on the HTTP headers checks?







15 Replies

  • Aaron,



    I have had a play around with the monitors and I cannot get the functionality that I need from them as, the system that this BigIp is being used by, is posting messages to a url so if I configured a monitor it would end up in lots af messages being sent and they would have to be retrieved. I am looking at the LB::down docs now. Is there a linkt to all the irules documentation, I have some here but this LB::down is not mentioned.







    I have changed this a little after checking out what else I need to do, does it look ok?



    when HTTP_REQUEST {



    If request is for the message store, set a variable to log the client/server IP's if the response is a 400


    if {[HTTP::path] starts_with "/MmscServletApp/DeliveryFailureSyncServlet"}{


    set check_response 1


    } else {


    set check_response 0







    when HTTP_RESPONSE {



    If the request was for the message store, check if HTTP response status is a 200


    if {$check_response && [HTTP::status] == 400}


    log local0. "[IP::client_addr] -> [IP::server_addr] for the login page generated a HTTP 400 response, node will be disabled"


    set n [IP::server_addr]


    LB::down node $n


    } elseif {$check_response && [HTTP::status] not equals 200}


    set r [HTTP::status]


    log local0. "[IP::client_addr] -> [IP::server_addr] for the login page generated a HTTP $r response"










  • A couple of suggestions:

    If you have multiple services on the pool member being load balanced through the BIG-IP, it might actually be better to disable just the one service that is failing. Instead of using LB::down node, you could use 'LB::down pool member '. If the node is in multiple pools and you want to mark it down in all pools, you could use LB::down node to mark it down in all pools.

    You can make it slightly more efficient by not saving the command output to a variable:


    set n [IP::server_addr]
    LB::down node $n

    can be replaced with this:

    LB::down node [IP::server_addr]

    Likewise, this:

    set r [HTTP::status]
    log local0. "[IP::client_addr] -> [IP::server_addr] for the login page generated a HTTP $r response"

    can be replaced with:

    log local0. "[IP::client_addr] -> [IP::server_addr] for the login page generated a HTTP [HTTP::status] response"

  • I have just discovered that the BigIp that this was designed for is only running 9.1.2 so i am unable to use the LB::down function, is there any other way to do this?






  • Hi Tim,



    I don't believe there is an equivalent in 9.1.x. It would be good to upgrade from 9.1.2 to 9.3.x anyhow as there have been a lot of issues fixed in the latest maintenance release.


