Forum Discussion

hooleylist's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Feb 26, 2009

iRuler timeout on failed connection

Hi Joe,



One of our local .NET gurus helped me with a minor annoyance with the iRuler. When a BIG-IP I'm trying to connect to answers with a reset, the iRuler would hang. Using Task Manager or the CLI tool, taskkill, didn't stop the process. So he recompiled the code with a 5s timeout on the connection attempt (sysInfo.Timeout = 5000; 😞



  -> OKLinkLabel_LinkClicked  
     // Now verify if we can connect to the host  
     iControl.SystemSystemInfo sysInfo = new iControl.SystemSystemInfo();  
     sysInfo.Timeout = 5000;  
     sysInfo.Credentials = Clients.ConnectionInfo.creds;  
     sysInfo.PreAuthenticate = true;  



A timeout might be nice to add in a future version. It would also be ideal to handle routing failures (try connecting to or any other destination which your default gateway will drop) and check that the iRuler times out in a reasonable amount of time and allows the user to re-enter the connection details.



Also, could you shorten the splash screen display time in a future version or make it configurable within the GUI whether to display it or not?



Lastly, could you post the source for the latest binary version? I think the current source is (Click here).



Thanks as always for providing such a useful tool.



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