Forum Discussion

Deepak_N_171257's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 02, 2016

Is HTML5 application cache support with APM

I don't have much expertise on HTML5 browser cache, but I know that it allows web applications to save data in browser. Now to the problem. Client has a web application that uses HTML5 application ca...
  • Lucas_Thompson_'s avatar
    Mar 02, 2016

    Rewrite (Portal Access) does not yet fully support all features of HTML5. Offline cache manifests are not rewritten correctly at least, and there are some other problems.


    The F5 bug ID for this is likely 384018, but there are also some other general HTML5 ones. As Walter mentioned, you should use LTM+APM (Web Access Management) pass-through mode. This way the content is untouched by APM but you still get the security benefits of having an Access Policy.