Forum Discussion

DeeN_103678's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 03, 2012

Least Sessions balancing and Server restart



I am running F5 BigIp with 11.2.00 HF2.


I am playing with the Diameter iApp and Least Sessions balancing policy. I have 3 servers in my setup and the following scenario:


1. 3 servers running and traffic balancer among these servers


2. 1 of the servers goes down and the new traffic is re-balanced to other servers (universal persistence in place)


3. After a while the server comes back, and Diameter monitor sets it up as the 'Available" one.


What I am expecting in this situation is, that new sessions will be routed to this new server, which was restored, but this is not a case. I check the Round Robin and it in general, it was quite fine.


I saw some time ago the information, that actually due to different bugs, for Diameter only teh Round Robin policy is really working. Is this still a case? Did you have similar experiences with F5 and Diameter traffic balancing?







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