Forum Discussion

Frank_30524's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 03, 2008

Load Balance Question

I'm am new to bigip and herited a couple and have a question.


I have a pool with four nodes, round robin with priority group activation set at less than one. Ratio is all set at one and the priority group I have a node at 2 and other three nodes at 1. My problem is that sometimes the node with 2 priority gets overloaded and traffic is bounced to the other nodes, but it seems that all the traffic goes to one node with priority 1. Everytime this happens it does the same thing except it may be another node. I thought that it was susposed to round robin on the other three nodes? I don't know why it is not doing this. Any thoughts answers, questions or corrections, please let me know.






13 Replies

  • That's what I thought your were going to say. Unfortunatley, I can't try it to find out. But at least we got to a conclusion. Thanks for you time and all your help.
  • I would like to chime in here as well. Is there a way to get multiple users from a single site to LB to different nodes? Ex: 5 users at site a have a public ip address X which the BigIP sees. Is there a way to get the 5 users loadbalanced to the nodes?
  • Yes, depending on your persistence profile. And depending on the type of service you're offering, you may be balancing a layer of traffic that needs no persistence, in which case clients regardless of IP will balance strictly by the mechanism selected.