Forum Discussion

Nova_201357's avatar
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Sep 28, 2017

Log Stream Substitutions


I'm trying to help w/ moving a site to ssl only. I think I have things dialed in well enough and it looks like it's working well. As a bonus, I'd like to log the URLs that the stream matches. In other words, when I do the substitution in the HTTP_RESPONSE, is there any way to capture the greater context around the substitution so the web team knows which URLs need to be fixed (they want to use the F5 to jump start the process and fix it on the back end as time permits).

So the iRule (stolen from dev central) is like this:

     tell server not to compress response
    HTTP::header remove Accept-Encoding

     disable STREAM for request flow
     catch and replace redirect headers
    if { [HTTP::header exists Location] } {
        HTTP::header replace Location [string map {"http://" "https://"} [HTTP::header Location]]

     only look at text data
    if { [HTTP::header Content-Type] contains "text" } {

         create a STREAM expression to replace any http:// with https://
        STREAM::expression {@http://@https://@}

         enable STREAM
    log local0. "Matched [STREAM::match]"

It would be a great help if in the stream_matched event, I could log something useful for the web developers.

Thanks for any input. Mike

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