Forum Discussion

Scott_Beavers_1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 06, 2014

LTM - how to setup a VS for service bus?

Hello All,


I have a service bus farm with 3 nodes and the endpoint looks like this:




I have setup 2 VS, one each using other port and then 9354 and 9355. I set them both to user Performance (Layer 4) to allow the pass through of the local certs. I set the protocol to TCP and the source address translation to Automap. When the clients test, they get socket error and "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host".


I have an iRule on both VS for syslog_http_logging_debug, but the logs don't show any problems.


Any ideas on what to change in my VSs to get this to work? FYI, the clients work fine when bypassing the VS using a hosts file entry to any of the servers IPs directly.


Thank you, Scott


12 Replies

  • Actually, I found the answer. Since I am using Performance Layer 4, we are telling the F5 to not do anything with SSL and instead let the client and server handle everything. Therefore, I won't see the options for Client or Server SSL profile.


  • Great News,


    I changed the http profile to none for both VSs (one for 9354 and one for 9355) and everything is now working. Thanks so much for the help!