Forum Discussion

The_Bhattman's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 29, 2009

LTM Console access via Cat5E via Terminal Console

Some of us always run into those situation where we need access to the serial console of the LTM via serial console terminal. What makes it more fustrating is that the serial terminal server is located in part of the datacenter and your LTM in on the far end where there isn't a big enough Serial console cable that can reach that far or due to the way the datacenter was cabled you simply can't use the serial cable.



After a bit of trial in error I found what appears the right wiring to allow you to use cat5e cable. Why? Because Cat5e is more common wiring then serial console cable.





I have attached a PDF of the diagram + other diagrams for other devices such as Cisco.




Please post any experience you have where you can make use of Cat5e as your serial connection.



Hope this helps you all





14 Replies

  • Cabling to a Cisco 2511



    RJ-45 DB9


    1 7


    2 4


    3 3


    5 5


    6 2


    7 6


    8 8




    Colours of my RJ-45 connector


    1 Blue


    2 Orange


    3 Black


    5 Green


    6 Yellow


    7 Brown


    8 Grey



    This is where the 9 Pin is directly connected to a Cisco octal cable.


    Note on the Cisco you will need to set speed on the line to 19200 8 data and no parity.
  • Hi,


    I would like confirm that Derek's approach is working fine! I have tested now adapter from BlackBox FA4509F-BK ( cabled in same way as Derek did and it works. Just to clarify situation in case that wire cables are colored in different way see table below


    DB9 adapter pinning of wires (first pin [blue cable] is on righ side of RJ45 if you look from direction of cisco console cable [wire] towards DB9 adapter with lock on the top (top view))




    _ | |_


    |_ ___| 1 wire (blue color in DB9 adapter)



    1 - blue


    2 - orange


    3 - black


    4 - red


    5 - green


    6 - yellow


    7 - brown


    8 - white


    So basically blue wire (first on DB9 connector) should go to hole number 7, orange to the hole number 4 (numbering on holes is ok), black to hole number 3, red not connected, green to hole number 5, etc.




    hole - color of wire


    2 - yellow


    3 - black


    4 - orange


    5 - green


    6 - brown


    7 - blue


    8 - white


  • Possibly a stupid question, however I couldn't see the diagrams attached and I have this exact problem. I have tried and failed miserably in the past to do this so would be very interested to get hold of the diagrams. thanks very much Tom
  • CB is this PDF still available? I would like a copy but couldn't find it downloads. am I missing something?