Forum Discussion

David_Dennison's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 10, 2008

Monitoring Pool Member Status and Emailing Alerts...


We recently purchased 4 new Bigip's. We will be migrating all our services over to these eventually. Currently on our 4.5.x bigips we use ISM to monitor the status of pool members and send out email alerts when they are detected down and when they come back up.



ISM is now EOL and doesn't support the 9.x bigips. We have Enterprise Manager and was under the impression it could do the same type of monitoring and email alerts. Playing around with it, I don't see anything obvious that would accomplish this. It seems mainly for deploying updates patches and config changes.



My question is can I do this with EM and icontrol rules to check the status of pool members and send email alerts when node service goes down, and the like.


I know from reading you can acheive the same using the syslog and SNMP monitors filters and stuff like that, but I would rather not use this method but rather do it like we used to do it using ISMan.



Thanks for any input and suggestions.





12 Replies

  • With LTM v11, sending emails is pretty simple. Here's a quick rundown;



    To configure email delivery of alerts edit the /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf file and enter the hostname or IP address of a suitable SMTP server as the mailhub= variable value.



    Use something like the following command to test your configuration: echo "BIG-IP test mail via ssmtp" | mail -vs "BIG-IP test mail via ssmtp"



    To configure which events result in an alert email, as well as custom SNMP traps, edit the /config/user_alert.conf according to and
  • We are running V10.2 HF4 and need a more automated way of handling alerting - we have 5 sets or LTM's in multiple datacenters with multiple partitions(each with different alerting needs)) and pools.In some older posts I have seen references to Perl scripts to download the config files to use for pool/host resolution but can't find them? It seems pretty difficult to monitor and alert on these boxes in a manner that doesn't require a tremendous amount of care and feeding.