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cmwillis_234259's avatar
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Feb 03, 2016

MS SQL Health Monitor Using Dummy Database

I am attempting to set up a MS SQL health monitor that authenticates with a SharePoint database, issues a query, and looks for a certain return string. I have applied the health monitor to a server pool that contains the SharePoint database. The database being monitored is called Test and it contains one table called Test_Table, which has a single column called Value. I have inserted one entry in the first column and row of this table with a value of NULL. The health monitor is currently resolving to a down state. I tried to upload an image of the health monitor, but it didn't work. Here is a text description of the health monitor:


  • Type: MSSQL (parent = mssql)
  • Send String: SELECT CASE WHEN Value IS NULL THEN 'UP' ELSE '' END FROM Test_Table
  • Receive String: UP
  • Username and password belongs to the same account that SharePoint uses to interact with the database
  • Database: Test
  • Receive Row and Column each set to 1
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