Forum Discussion

taimoor_89941's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 29, 2008

Need to route a URI to particular pool

Hi there


I have the following requirement and I know its achiveable on bigIP but I am not sure how to go about it. Basically, we want to use it as an intelligent router. we got a website which is running on a webserver. What we want to do is to copy this website on a new server with minor changes, use big-ip so that goes to the original server and goes to the new webserver.



Any help would be highly appreciated.



Kind regards




12 Replies

  • Hi Taimoor,



    I thought all the load balanced traffic through the BIG-IP was via HTTP. If you need to inspect the HTTP headers or content in an iRule, you must decrypt the HTTPS using a client SSL profile if the request is encrypted, and you need to add an HTTP profile to the VIP. Do you have a cert/key for the fully qualified domain name that resolves to the VIP? If so can you try testing with a client SSL and HTTP profile added to the HTTPS VIP?



  • Hi Aaron


    Correct me if I am wrong, I was under the impression that its only contents not the URI which gets encrpyted in SSL. On that assumption I thought the big-ip should be able to route the traffic to proper webserver base on uri.


    Could you please send me or link up the instruction on how to install cert/key on a client ssl profile. Does it have to be client or server ssl profile?


