Forum Discussion

netadmindetail_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 21, 2015

Persistence entries aren't mirrored to the standby unit when using iRules



I have an iRule configured on a VIP. This iRule select Pool1 or Pool2 based on the HTTP_Host. I removed any defaultpool configuration on my VIP to make sure only my iRule select them. I also have a default persistence profile attach to my VIP, so I do not add a persistence command into my iRules


On my primary unit I'm able to see all the persistence created but on my standby unit I should see all the same record but with 0sec of age but I didn't see anything. The list is empty on my standby units.


I double-checked on my persistence profile and I have the "Mirror persistence" check box enable.


Is there anyting related with my iRules or it's a basic mirror persistence issue ?




24 Replies

  • Using tcpdump do you see a constant flow of traffic between the active/standby mirror addresses?

     tcpdump -nni  host  and port 1029
  • Hi,


    Have you got an update on this? I'm facing the same issue but I think I can break it down on the Connection Mirroring:


    I'm using the same configuration on a VS for ports 80 and 443. 80 has connection mirroring enabled, 443 has it disabled because there is a clientssl profile connected to it. Both use the same iRule and I've linked the universal persistence profile to this iRule (of course mirror persistence is enabled in the profile)


    I can see persistence entries for port 80 on the standby system but not for the 443 configuration.


    Regards Otto