Forum Discussion

Russell_77729's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 01, 2014

Persistence Profile for ActiveSync and AirWatch

Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question but I am still learning how to tame the beast that is LTM. I am using LTM to load balance ActiveSync coming in from an AirWatch server in the DMZ. the iApp...
  • mikeshimkus_111's avatar
    Oct 01, 2014

    That's a very old version of the iApp. The problem is that the default source IP persistence is overriding the command to persist on the basic auth header in the iRule.


    You could disable strictness and remove the source IP persistence from the VIP, but I recommend upgrading your deployment using the new v1.4.0 template since it has many other fixes. You can get an RC version here:


    Or you can wait until October 6th, when we'll be officially releasing v1.4.0 to If you do decide to go with the RC, you'll still want to get the official version once it's out.