Forum Discussion

DBemis_150117's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 17, 2014

Pool member showing as force disabled after only setting the session enabled state to disabled

I am trying to set a pool member to simply be disabled by setting the session enabled state to disabled. For some odd reason, using either the deprecated set_session_enabled_state or the current set_...
  • mimlo_61970's avatar
    Jun 18, 2014

    This is a bit gray for me as well, as I do not understand the difference between SESSION_STATUS_DISABLED(which I don't think I have ever seen) and SESSION_STATUS_FORCED_DISABLED, but it should work as you expect and be equivalent to a Disable state in the gui(allow persistent connections but not new ones)


    I think the common confusion is thinking FORCED_DISABLED is equivalent to the gui Forced Offline. Both the monitor and the session must be down to be Forced Offline(only active connections)