Forum Discussion

Steve_87232's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 30, 2010

ProxyPass - Reverse Proxy / Backend URL rewrite.

I have been trying to allow a user to type (for example) in their browser, that then is sent to a virtual server on the LTM that sends the request to The user sees the content of but their browser still shows So far I have had no luck in getting this going. I have looked at a number of iRules and not found one that meets my needs. ProxyPass seems to be the closest but I can not get it to work. I am a network guy and not a programmer so maybe I just don't get the iRule logic. Can anyone help me? The LTM needs to send traffic to that URL and resolve it via DNS as the site could change.





note, the URL is really more like what the user types: and it needs to redirect to Will need the LTM to change it on the way back too.