Forum Discussion

Dilip_bhapkar06's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 05, 2010

Public Key( CSR ) generation for SSL certificate in F5

Hi Friends,


In past, we are sucessfully creating SSL certifiacte in F5 through generating RSA private key and send this key to our internal CA (Certifying Authority) who generates SSL certificate for us then we import this certificate to our F5 device. And all works fine.



Now the problem is we have one client whose requirements is different hence we need to generate ssl certifiacte from third party vendor (verisign) for us. For this, vendor (verisign) requires public key(CSR file) for creating SSL certifiacte for us.



Kindly provide us the procedure to generate Public key (CSR file) in F5.



As per our knowledge only private key is generated by F5. Kindly suggest us that there is any other options to generate public key in F5 device.




13 Replies

  • could you please let me know how this public and private key works?it is normal public key infrastructure.