Forum Discussion

mpfeifer_63884's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 12, 2009

redirect part of the traffic

Hi. This is my first post in this forum, I'm not sure if it is the right topic, but as it might involve complex iRuling, I give it a try to post it under "iRules".



We have a difficult issue to set up, and it looks like this:


We have about 70 Webservers, they're all in one pool and get the traffic assigned by RoundRobin.


Now we need to redirect about 3% of the traffic to a subdomain.



We had a few ideas, like:


-redirect the traffic to 3% of of the webservers using "ratio" instead of roundrobin, but then still, how can we squeeze in an iRule at this level? Reading the docs I understand, that this is probably not possible.


-Another idea was to create an iRule which counts every userrequest and every 60th requests goes to that subdomain. But I believe that will cost a lot in performance.



Nevertheless I dislike both these solutions.


Does someone in this forum have an idea how to handle this? That would be really great.



Thanks in advance.




11 Replies

  • Actually I decided to go the way Spark sent me to. I think to just add a pool for 3% of the traffic might be the way which costs the less performance. And performance is a high good to us.



    Although, there is a little glitch. I can't just use a dummy-pool, but would add a real pool, as the subdomain I want to redirect to, would use these servers.



    But as far I understand our f5:


    As soon as the f5 took the decision to direct the traffic to a certain pool, the iRules have been passed already.


    Or is there a way to interfere with iRules at this level?