Forum Discussion

insert12_38638's avatar
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May 13, 2013

robots.txt allow

Hi Bhatthman,



Sorry , let me re-write my question once again which you understand correctly. Actual Question was can we block or allow robots.txt on GTM or firepass ?


Some users from a specific ISP not able to access a website abc because of an issue with “robots.txt. ( website abc is load balanced using GTM )






1 Reply

  • HI Insert12,


    It's a bit hard to understand your question correctly. However, If I am interpretting your question, I don't believe the GTM is where you would place allowances for robots.txt It would happen most likely at the places where they are blocking by using Robots.txt. That is most likely the place where you would make the allowances.



    I hope this helps


    The Bhattman