Forum Discussion

Ajmal_2608's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 11, 2013

Selective pool member based on uri




Some of my webservers are not responding and we take them out from pool at times. The task is to have something like:





select pool member 1 & at the same time it should change the uri from /one to /web/main/page




select pool member 1 & at the same time it should change the uri from /one to /web/main/page



I tried using find classs as listed below but not very sure hot to select pool member based on uri




set uri [findclass [HTTP::path] mainredirect " "]


if {$line ne ""}{


HTTP::uri $uri







mainredirect is a datagroup of string type



"/one /web/main/page"


"/two /web/main/page"




H/W is LTM 1600 running 10.2



Also I am very bad in GUI and this box can only be accessed via GUI, so not very sure whether the class created should be a data group or something else.




Please suggest





12 Replies

  • Hi Steve,



    Both {/one} & "/one" are giving the same results.



    What I noticed is the code is working fine but there is an issue caused by the cookie persistence


    The servers are checking a Session_ID and if I open the site with any /one or /two it sets a session and since the device is already having a open session, its sending the request as per the persistence entry.



    Can we do something to clear / ignore the persistence and establist a fresh connection within the context of /one or /two?