Forum Discussion

Anthony_Gerace_'s avatar
Historic F5 Account
Aug 27, 2004

Service statistics


Does the get_statistics method for LocalLB/Services work in BIG-IP v4.2?

If so, can you tell me what I’m doing wrong? I know there are stats for service 80, but when I run my script I get all zero’s.

If not, how can I get the statistics for a given service?

Using the trace gives no insight. Any suggestions?



Output from b service 80 show

bipmkoqa01:~ b service 80 show

SERVICE 80 tcp enabled timeout 1005 udp enabled timeout 60

(cur, max, limit, tot, reaped) = (27, 834, 0, 1696219, 1773)

(pckts, bits) in = (13794715, 19070346376), out = (13972196, 122260660800)

Output from my script

Sleeping for 5 seconds, please wait....

The Deltas over the past 5 seconds are:

Total Bytes is: 0

Total Packets is: 0

Total Connections is: 0

Sleeping for 5 seconds, please wait....

The Deltas over the past 5 seconds are:

Total Bytes is: 0

Total Packets is: 0

Total Connections is: 0

Totals for the last 15 seconds ...

Total number of Bytes transferred: 0

Total number of Connections: 0

Output complete


Subroutine to get service stats.

 sub getStats { 
 push @serv_Def, 80; 
 $soap_response = $soap->get_statistics(SOAP::Data->name(services => @serv_Def)); 
 my $stats = @{$soap_response->result}; 
 my $thruput_stats = $stats->{"thruput_stats"}; 
             my $bits_in = $thruput_stats->{"bits_in"}; 
             my $bits_out = $thruput_stats->{"bits_out"}; 
             my $packets_in = $thruput_stats->{"packets_in"}; 
             my $packets_out = $thruput_stats->{"packets_out"}; 
 my $conn_stats = $stats->{"connection_stats"}; 
             my $cur_conn = $conn_stats->{"current_connections"}; 
             my $max_conn = $conn_stats->{"maximum_connections"}; 
             my $total_conn = $conn_stats->{"total_connections"}; 
 my $bits_per_byte = 8; 
 my $total_bytes = ($bits_in + $bits_out) / $bits_per_byte; 
 my $total_pcts = $packets_in + $packets_out; 
 my $out = { total_bytes => $total_bytes, total_pkts => $total_pcts, total_conns => $total_conn, curr_con => $cur_conn  }; 
 $outputT0 = &getStats(); 
 my $t0_byte = $outputT0->{"total_bytes"}; 
 my $t0_pkts = $outputT0->{"total_pkts"}; 
 my $t0_tconn = $outputT0->{"total_conns"}; 
 my $t0_curcon = $outputT0->{"curr_con"};  
 print "\nSleeping for $Time2Sleep seconds, please wait....\n"; 
 sleep $Time2Sleep;                     
 $outputT1 = &getStats(); 
 my $t1_byte = $outputT1->{"total_bytes"}; 
 my $t1_pkts = $outputT1->{"total_pkts"}; 
 my $t1_tconn = $outputT1->{"total_conns"}; 
 my $t1_curcon = $outputT1->{"curr_con"};  
 $Diff_Tbytes = $t1_byte - $t0_byte; 
 $Diff_Tpkts = $t1_pkts - $t0_pkts; 
 $Diff_Tconn = $t1_tconn - $t0_tconn; 

1 Reply

  • Anthony, the method signature for get_statisics is the following:


    void get_statistics( 
         in long[] services, 
         out ServiceStatisticEntry[] stats 
     struct ServiceStatisticEntry { 
         long service, 
         ServiceStatistics stats 
     struct ServiceStatistics { 
         ThruputStatistics thruput_stats, 
         ConnectionStatistics conn_stats 



    It takes as input an array of longs and returns an array of ServiceStatisticEntry structures. In your code it looks like you are treating the returned array as a single structure.



    push @serv_Def, 80; 
     $soap_response = $soap->get_statistics(SOAP::Data->name(services => @serv_Def)); 
     my $stats = @{$soap_response->result}; 
     my $thruput_stats = $stats->{"thruput_stats"};  



    You will need to modify your code to loop through the returned array. Something like the following:



    push @service_list, 80; 
     $soap_response = $LocalLBService->get_statistics 
     SOAP::Data->name(services => [@service_list]) 
      Get Returned array of ServiceStatisticEntry structures 
     my $stats_list = @{$soap_response->result}; 
      Loop over returned array 
     foreach $stats_entry (@stats_list) 
      Extract the service member from the ServiceStatisticEntry struct. 
     my $service = $stats_entry->{"service"}; 
      Extract the stats member from the ServiceStatisticEntry struct. 
     my $stats = $stats_entry->{"stats"}; 
      Extract the thruput_stats member from the ServiceStatistics struct. 
     my $thruput_stats = $stats->{"thruput_stats"}; 
     my $bits_in = $thruput_stats->{"bits_in"}; 
     my $bits_out = $thruput_stats->{"bits_out"}; 
     my $packets_in = $thruput_stats->{"packets_in"}; 
     my $packets_out = $thruput_stats->{"packets_out"}; 
      Extract the conn_stats member from the ServiceStatistics struct. 
     my $conn_stats = $stats->{"connection_stats"}; 
     my $cur_conn = $conn_stats->{"current_connections"}; 
     my $max_conn = $conn_stats->{"maximum_connections"}; 
     my $total_conn = $conn_stats->{"total_connections"}; 



    In your case you should only be getting back an array of size 1, since you are only passing in a single item in the services parameter.


