Forum Discussion

mundofer_338665's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 28, 2017

Shared SNAT and pool in a LTM?

We have a LTM with several virtual servers. All the virtual servers,the destination servers and the SNAT address are in the same IP network I have two beginner questions: - Can I have o...
  • eey0re_68979's avatar
    Nov 29, 2017

    Hi, and welcome. Yes, your SNAT pool can be used by many Virtual Servers - or you could just use

    SNAT Automap
    on each Virtual Server and not bother configuring a SNAT pool. (The Self IP(s) will be used instead.)

    Pools can be (and often are) used by many different Virtual Servers. There is no need for an iRule to do this.