Forum Discussion

Mark_Vogel's avatar
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Oct 16, 2013

Simple HTTP session termination then back end session to web server

Hello Gurus! I'm VERY new to LTM but I suspect this one will be simple.


I've got an internal web app that simply uses http on port 80 from a company we acquired, which is currently on their local AD domain. We'll call it http://currenturl.olddomain.local/webapp.


In order to get our users that come in over our global WAN into a higher queue in QOS I need them to make connections on a custom port (8052), but we don't want to change the web server. So, I want provide the users across the pond a totally different URL that terminates at the F5 on http port 8052 ( and then have the F5 proxy the session to the web server by opening a new connection on the back end to the web server on the actual URL (http://currenturl.olddomain.local/webapp).


Any help or article references would be much appreciated!


22 Replies

  • Can we just slip an if/then into the current iRule that says IF the client specifies THEN on the back end make it http://currenturl.olddomain.local/webapp?


    Sure, and it's certainly worth a try. But if you're talking about multiple URI translations, and translating inbound and outbound, then your IF statement starts to get really complex.