Forum Discussion

Diego_19194's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 19, 2007

SMTP modify a character in the packet

Hello people,


I have a problem that I need to send a MSISDM in a SMTP packet, but I must to modify the number, it meam remove one number.


Then only option we see is to create an iRule at Bigip, modifying SMTP information in order to modify destination address, originating address and also at the body of the msg removing the "9".



I want to convert for example:


RCPT TO:+5491158538565 -->RCPT TO:+541158538565



I found the irules attached where I will do a SMTP_proxy_iRule, and another sample that check some MSISDN in the body of the packet TCP. Due to the BIG-IP doesn't have libraries to modify the SMTP.



My question is simple, how can I modify the SMTP packet (header and body) to remove this number?

11 Replies

  • Yes, this is the right way to do it.



    I replaced this code and I solved the problem. It is not very clear the explanation of commands in manuals or wiki.



    Thanks a lot a solve my problem and the irules is working ok.