Forum Discussion

Chris_123510's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 09, 2014


I am running 11.4.0 HF Engineering Hotfix HF4 on my LTMs and GTMs. We have two data centers, and a total of 8 devices (2 each). I have set up SNMP with the following info:


Client Allow List 127.


SNMP Access (V1, V2C) IPv4 T/A66Here Read Only IPv4 Ov3r_S!ght Read Only (not all device will take this, and it doesn't tell me why they won't) IPv4 !R!ghthere Read/Write


SNMP Traps T/A66Here Ov3r_S!ght !R!ghthere


T/A66Here Ov3r_S!ght !R!ghthere


All of the devices are in the same access rules in the firewalls. Our SNMP server can only discover one of the devices. They all have these same settings, besides the Ov3r_S!ght, where some of the devices will take it, and some will not.


When looking at a tcpdump while they are trying to discover the device, the device is responding with "udp port snmp unreachable". Remember, they are all on the same access rules. If someone has an answer to this, I would appreciate it.


12 Replies

  • Cory,


    I just tried it on the devices that wouldn't take it yesterday so that I could get the error message, and now it they are taking the string. I don't even know how to explain that to you. Thank you for your time, and help on this issue, it is greatly appreciated!


    • Cory_50405's avatar
      Icon for Noctilucent rankNoctilucent
      It's all good. Glad to hear things are working for you now.