Forum Discussion

Muhammad_57196's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 10, 2009

SSH weird problem




I had a weird problem while trying to SSH to one of the F5. Sometime it works fine with SSH and sometime i got the following message:



"ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host".



But nothing is being changed on that F5. I am not sure why is it let me in via SSH sometime but gave the above error message when i tried to do SSH.



Can anyone please help me. Forgive me if i paste this in the wrong forum.







3 Replies

  • Hi Muhammad,



    I think this is an issue specific to SSHD--not much of anything to do with BIG-IP. You could try searching the web for this error message. There are quite a few forum posts with troubleshooting suggestions. You could try running a new instance of sshd with debug enabled:





    /usr/sbin/sshd -d -p 2200



    and then connect on port 2200. Or you could change the LogLevel in /config/ssh/sshd_config to debug, reload the config using kill -HUP `pidof sshd`and then retest.



    Here are some related links:






    I suspect you're hitting the MaxStartups unauthenticated connection


    limit. It default is 10, try bumping it on the servers to, say, 30 or 40.








    > Hi,




    > I'm getting this error when I ssh to the servers.


    > ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host




    > I added /etc/hosts.allow and it actually worked once and if I tried again I get the same error.



    You did not mention whether you added by name or by IP.


    Every time I've seen this error it has been a DNS problem. And I only


    see this on systems that are in hosts.allow by name.







  • I just wanted to add my comment on this old thread because I ran into similar issue when I was synchronizing FIPS Security Domain "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host" and was able to fix it by going to system>platform>ssh IP allowed: ensure the the peer ip address is added or "select allow all"





  • If you are trying to connect to self IP (no managment IP) on LTM running V10, it may fails on the non default route-domain. I faced such issue when exchanging key with a GTM (bigip_add). Afterward, the iquery connection can use any self ip.