Forum Discussion

Sebastien6_8297's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 28, 2013

SSL VPN irule




Sorry, i'm new in the F5 word. I've got an external IP connected to my F5 box. Actually, based on the port number, the virtual server that answer to the IP launch a SSL VPN connection (split tunnel for some, or full for another), some just redirect to a Webtop without SSL (VDI, Citrix XenApp).



I would like to keep everything with the 443 port only on my external IP and select the Type of connection (web portal, SSL VPN split or full, application access,...) based on the URL end such as:





Is it possible to do that with an iRule? what should look like the iRule to do so?



thank for you help in advance.


2 Replies

  • You can do this in the access policy editor, just do a check for the URI used and assign resources based on that.
  • Thank you, i'd found it and used it to assigned ressoures. i was able to build ACL rules for the different SSL VPN connection, but still have issue to present a simple virtual server. i will figure it out soon.