Forum Discussion

Fotios_30046's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 14, 2007

Static URI Rewrites

Our website search functionality has gone through some heavy modifications recently and in doing so, the url's have been completely rewritten.

To give you a better understanding of whats going on, I'll list the old way and the new way.

Additionally, we have a static list of mappings between XXYYZZ and AABBCC that I can populate into a list.

I've gone through the boards and put together the following iRule, but its not working.

class CategoryID
 "BEDROOM 30"  
 if {[HTTP::path] == "/searchcombined.asp" }
  set qstring [HTTP::query]
  set CategoryID1 [findstr "category=" [HTTP::query] 7 "&"]
  if {$CategoryID1 != ""}
   set CategoryID2 [findclass $CategoryID1 $::CategoryIDs " "]
   if {$CategoryID2 != ""}
    set qstring [string map [list $CategoryID1 $CategoryID2] $qstring]
 HTTP::respond 301 Location "http://[HTTP::host]/common/search/SearchResult.aspx$qstring"

Any help or suggestions would be great.