Forum Discussion

Humair_167681's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 14, 2015

String map help

Hi all,


Could you please explain the difference between the two commands below?


HTTP::uri [string map "/$customer/ /" [HTTP::uri]]


HTTP::uri [string map {"/$customer/" "/"} [HTTP::uri]]




2 Replies

  • Thanks Joe,


    Can you please elaborate "the second command is expressly setting the correct type for the mapping parameter"?


    Sorry - I don't seem to understand what you mean there.






  • I believe they are functionally equivalent. But, the second command is expressly setting the correct type for the mapping parameter. Most likely is that TCL is seeing you are passing in a string in the first command and trying to coerce it to an list of search/replace strings which that parameter is supposed to represent. Since you have a space in that string, it's convering it to the equivalent of 2.

    In an example with the TCL interpreter (tclsh), here's something similar:

    % set s 123456
    % string map {1 a} $s
    % string map "1 a" $s
