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yozik_100692's avatar
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Jun 21, 2013

suds cache files not being removed

Hi all,



I'm noticing that the cache files that are created by suds are not being removed after they expire. Now I know this may be a suds issue but I thought I'd post here since I notice that changing the following line in the makes no difference, some where around line 90.





also, 30 days seems a little long, since it appears that new cache files are bieng created each run of my scripts. Now I get the point of caching, but in my case I have the wsdls saved locally on disk and don't need them cached, or so I think. I've tried various settings for the setduration and none of them seem to make any difference. What I did find is by placing the following after the setduration removes the cache files.




I'm using version '2.0.1' of pycontrol and 0.4 of suds



I should also note that I have suds and pycontrol as egg files that my script imports. Not sure if this makes a difference, probably does, but thought I should point this out.



I was wondering if anyone has thought of adding the cache duration as one of the args to the BIGIP class? This assumes that the setduration setting would actually work. How about possibly clearing the cache or trying to use the NoCache object instead of the default FileCache for when the wsdls are locally stored? BTW I've tried to use the NoCache method and it didn't seem to work either.


Has anyone else noticed this issue before? If so, how did you work with it?






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