Forum Discussion

Chris_Schaerli_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 18, 2007

Tracking session in soap header?

I have been going though the board looking for something to help me with a session persistence issue. I have some transactions I need to set persistence on and I can’t use source IP or cookie. The only thing I have been able to find is a value in the soap header that is unique per session. I have not been able to figure out how to pull that out.


Can anyone suggest a place to start? Here is a snip of the soap header. I need to track on the “soapenc” value.







25 Replies

  • Deb_Allen_18's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Without seeing the request, the response, and the iRule together, it's difficult to tell what's going on...
  • Deb,



    The last response from the server does not include a soap session value. Can we default to another method of persistence? There does not look like there is anything I can use in the last request for a continuation of the soap session.



    This is what my Irule looks like.



    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    collect the payload containing the POST data


    HTTP::collect [HTTP::header Content-Length]






    persist on data beginning the 59th character following the 'xmlns:soapenc=' string & ending @ "<" char


    and follow existing persistence record or create a new one


    persist uie [findstr [HTTP::payload] xmlns:soapenc= 58 <]


    log local0. [findstr [HTTP::payload] xmlns:soapenc= 58 <]




    when HTTP_RESPONSE {


    set SessionId [findstr [HTTP::payload] xmlns:soapenc= 58 <]


    log local0. "Response SessionId is: $SessionId"


    if { $SessionId != "" }{ persist add uie $SessionId }





    Here is a sample of the last response header value.














  • All,


    Any suggestions on creating an I-rule that addresses if the string I am searching for is blank, null,or not even an integer.I also was thinking that this would igonore persistence if the above condition is met.



    This is what i have so far


    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    collect the payload containing the POST data content length is to tell LTM to stop collecting data


    HTTP::collect [HTTP::header Content-Length]






    look for persistence data beginning the 16th character following the 'visitorID "<" char


    and follow existing persistence record or create a new one



    set visitorId [ string trim [findstr [HTTP::payload] "visitorId" 16 ""]]


    if {string is integer -strict $visitorId}


    {persist uie $visitorId


    log local0. "[findstr [HTTP::payload] "visitorId" 16 ""]"





  • Hi guys..


    have you test these codes finally?



    I suppose "when HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA" is correct


    am I right?







  • I have a very similiar problem to the one described in this post in that I need to persist on a value called ContextID. Here is an example from the SOAP header: 36X: Did anyone on this question ever get this to work properly? I would appreciate any help with this. We are currently running 11.6.0 HF3