Forum Discussion

Renato's avatar
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Mar 04, 2015

Training for Viprion platform

Hi, experts!! :P


I'm looking for a training on Viprion platform. The only one I found ( is online and I think that being in touch with the hardware is important to explore aspects like the chassis/blade installation and vCMP configuration. May someone who attended to this course give some opinion about it? Is there another option available somewhere?




2 Replies

  • I have been looking for the classes as you suggested, but I think that it will not be useful because maybe I will have to start the activities with the device in one to three months. Looking closer I found some classes available in Europe for the next months. Calculating superficially the travel costs, and considering that I'm in Brazil, going to Europe seems to be cheaper than to Seattle.


    To be honest I'm also wondering if going for a classroom really worth its costs. I have been working with a lot of different BIG-IP models, but it's hard to justify that you are giving support for someone else when it's your first time working with the device model or product line.


  • I asked the F5 technical training about this and they said that they switch between online and Seattle delivery. They've recently had more demand for the online classes, and since it’s only one day, most customers/partners don’t want to go through all the travel for just that one day. Keep looking for the next Seattle class (maybe Aug/Sep timeframe?). As more interest develops for in-person training, I'm sure they will add a class.