Forum Discussion

Brian_Brehart's avatar
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Dec 04, 2019

Understand why F5 blocked images on my webpage

Greetings, In September we upgraded our F5 Silverline WAF to v13, and as soon as we turned it on, reports came in about blocked images on our webpages. I'm trying to pinpoint the source of the block...
  • Brian_Brehart's avatar
    Dec 05, 2019

    We do, but there are multiple codes that can be attributed to a single violation type. Upon further investigation, we've found that it's not all images; we run a site where you can browse products, and then click on images for those products (very similar to Amazon and every other e-commerce site in the world). The previews show, and the images for similar products show, but the images specific to the product clicked on do not. I've attached an illustration to demonstrate what's happening.