Forum Discussion

AngryCat_52750's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 03, 2013

usage of hosted content

we are looking at upgrading from v11.3 to v11.4.1 to make use of the hosted content feature.. on our lab f5 which is on 11.4.0, i see how we can upload and manage (assign to a APM policy).. our question is how do we reference those files..


for example, if we want to update the APM login page with our custom uploaded CSS file, would we just reference /public/share/example.css or would we point to


6 Replies

  • Hi Kevin,


    thank you for your support! This really helps! I tested succesfully to replace any content by my own html page including "Hosted Content" css and image files.


    Thanks for that! Felix


  • Okay, a few steps:


    1. In the visual policy, create a logon page agent. Leave the default values.


    2. Go to Access Policy - Customization - Advanced


    3. At the top, under Edit Mode, select Advanced


    4. Drill into the tree structure: Customization Settings - Access Profiles - [your access profile] - Access Policy - Logon Pages - Logon Page


    5. Inside that folder you'll see Click on that file and you'll see most of the content that makes up the logon page. Edit at will.


    6. Also pay close attention to the form near the bottom that POSTs to "/my.policy". This is the action required to move past the logon page. Any form objects (ie. username, password, etc.) will also have to be defined in the Logon Page object properties on the visual policy page. Those should be saved to session.logon.last. session variables.


  • I really would like to do that but I have no idea which *.inc file needs to be replaced by the customized HTML as there are quite some. I will do some testing... Thank you for the information given until now.


  • My goal would be to replace the login (HTML and css) page by a self-made one uploaded to the hosted content section. How is this goal achievable?


    My recommendation would be to add a logon page or message box to the visual policy and replace that HTML with your own in the advanced customization section. You can use hosted content for your css and images and reference them directly from there.


  • My goal would be to replace the login (HTML and css) page by a self-made one uploaded to the hosted content section. How is this goal achievable?


    Best regards, Felix


  • Perfect question! I will jump in here to get results for that...


    Actually (from written F5 stuff) the Hosted Content can only be referenced by "Hosted Content" Link at Portal Access or Webtops, but not for regular use inside of Access Profiles as far as I understood.