Forum Discussion

cxcal_18687's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 25, 2008

Using Big-IP as a router

I have yet to get our appplication (product from standard networks) to source the the client IP address for auditing purposes.



Application only works when SNAt is disabled.



Is it possible to use the Big-IP as a router?



Thanks.. I'm reaching!!!

14 Replies

  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    Make sure you remove the 'Reset on Timeout' option (Default is enabled on the default profiles) when setting loose open/close... Otherwise when the connection table entry expires you'll get the connections reset for you :)



    And yes. You'll need a network VS before traffic will pass**







    ** or a SNAT. But I don't like them for routing (Or much at any time unless really really necessary).


  • whats the today preferred settings if I (for example) just want to use the F5 as a router (or rather the case is to merge a Cisco-router and F5 into a single device)?just in case you have not yet seen this sol.



    sol7595: Overview of IP forwarding virtual servers (Emulating stateless IP routing with BIG-IP LTM forwarding virtual servers)

  • Thanks for the replies... seems like there are a bunch of outdated technotes out there.



    What I have done so far (and initial tests shows that the packets (so far) is sent in right direction(s) :P) is to create a vserver (type:forwarding ip) with net/mask acting on any protocol and create a custom fastL4 profile that has reset on timeout disabled along with loose open (and close) enabled.



    Then did the same as above but acting on udp as protocol and a custom fastL4 profile for that also similar to above with the addition of state timeout set to 5 seconds instead of default 300.



    So now I have two vservers:








    Ohh and finally setup the static (or whatever) routes one need in the network part...



    And thats it? :-)



    Looking at the different types one can setup your vserver to I found "stateless" in v11.1 which isnt mentioned in the help-pages.



    How does "stateless" differ from "forwarding ip" for what I want to do (at a first glanze one could think that stateless is a more optimized version of forwarding ip since I want the F5 to route the packets and not touch them at all (except for packets directed to other vservers))?
  • these are only information about stateless virtual i found.



    UDP performance


    This release provides UDP performance improvements through use of the Stateless virtual server type.



    Release Note: BIG-IP LTM and TMOS version 10.2.3






    A Stateless virtual server improves the performance of UDP traffic in specific scenarios. (v. 10.2.2 and later)



    sol12272: Overview of virtual server types for BIG-IP version 10.x