Forum Discussion

MihirP1129's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 11, 2019

Virtual Servers template?

Hello All,   Is there a way to create a Virtual Servers "template" with predefined settings on a Big IP F5 load balancer? We create VS almost every day for our clients and would help if we could ...
  • Dario_Garrido's avatar
    Jun 18, 2019

    You can use CLI to create the VS (replace "<...>" fields with the correct value).

    tmsh create ltm virtual <VS_NAME> \
    destination <VS_IP>:443 \
    profiles add { tcp http_20 <CLIENTSSL_PROFILE> } \
    vlans replace-all-with { Internal Web } vlans-enabled \
    snatpool Prod \
    pool Webfarm_pool \
    persist replace-all-with { cookie_20 } \
    rules { httpTest_irule1 httpTest_irule2 httpTest_irule3 }

    Finally you have to save the config from running-config to startup-config.

    tmsh save sys config

