Forum Discussion

Alfonso_3549's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 10, 2009

vserver ALWAYS replies to ping




We're new to F5 and came across this "problem" just now:



As soon as you configure a vserver in he F5, it's IP address responds to ping no matter what: when the primary pool is down, when both the primary and secondary pools are inactive or when one pool member is disabled and the other is inactive.



In other words, is this normal? Is there a way to make a vserver respond to a ping ONLY when the primary pool is active (which would be the logical behavior for us).



Thanks for your input.




15 Replies

  • Hi,



    Any of you know if there is any other way to implement that VS don't repond to TCP / ICMP connection when the pool don't have active memebers ?



    For me the tcping / telnet all works , even if the pools is marked down



    Highly appreciate your help





  • Hi,



    Any of you know if there is any other way to implement that VS don't repond to TCP / ICMP connection when the pool don't have active memebers ?



    For me the tcping / telnet all works , even if the pools is marked down



    Highly appreciate your help









  • For TCP, it should respond with a reset if all the pool members are down (unless you have a last chance redirect configured, in which case the session should handshake, the redirect occur, and then the close). With ICMP, it should always respond, because ICMP is attached to the IP address, whereas a virtual is an IP address and a port. Many virtuals could (and often do) exist on a single IP address, so you wouldn't want ICMP services to fail for the other virtual servers.
  • A common issue with this type of thing is that you've got an HTTP profile bound to that virtual server, but you want it to RST if the pool members are down. If this is the case, the virtual will stand up a socket no matter what, as it's waiting for the HTTP data to come in to start parsing. If the pool members are down it'll send the RST, but only after the HTTP parser on the LTM parses the request.



    A standard TCP profile should not do this though - it should send a RST if the members are down, as Jason notes above.


