Forum Discussion

Hank_Stallings's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 07, 2014

What is the path to a user's home directory from root?

I have a PowerShell script that uploads a pfx file using psftp.exe from PuTTY. When I first sftp'd to the BIG-IP I created a folder named "cert", and the path is /home/USERNAME/cert. I upload the pfx file. My problem is I have another PowerShell script that imports the pfx file. Here's my code:


if ( (Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "iControlSnapIn"}) -eq $null ){ Add-PSSnapIn iControlSnapIn }


$bigip_name = 'QA' $user = 'USERNAME' $pass = 'Password'


$bigip = New-Object -TypeName iControl.Interfaces; $success = $bigip.initialize($bigip_name, $user, $pass);




$mgmtmode = New-Object -TypeName iControl.ManagementKeyCertificateManagementModeType $mgmtmode.value__ = 0


$SSLDir = "E:\PowerShell\SSL\IssuedCerts\PFXs"


$url = ""


$pfxfilename = $url + ".pfx" $pfxfile = "/home/USERNAME/cert/" + $pfxfilename


$exportPass = "exportPass" Set-Location -Path $SSLDir $bigip.ManagementPartition.Set_active_partition("Common")


$bigip.ManagementKeyCertificate.pkcs12_import_from_file( ($mgmtmode), ($url), ($pfxfile), ($exportPass), ($true) )


This worked the other day, however it isn't working today. I believe I can't see that folder and perhaps the home folder is an alias for a longer path.


Thanks in advance for the help!




4 Replies

  • R_Eastman_13667's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Login to the F5, then:


    run /util bash
    printenv | grep HOME


    This will give you the path to the home directory for the user you logged in with. By default /root is the HOME directory for all admin users.


  • I figured it out, all I had to do was change my upload path to the one that worked previously.


    $workdir = "E:\PowerShell\SSL\IssuedCerts\PFXs"
    $certficate = ""
    $Hostname = "bigIP"
    $user = "USERNAME"
    $pass = "PASSWORD"
    $psftpdir = "E:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY"
    $remotedir = "/shared/cert"
    $tempContent = $()
    $tempContentFile = "$($workdir)\temp_put.txt"
    $tempContent += "cd cert "
    $tempContent += "nput $workdir"+"\"+"$certficate "
    $tempContent += "nexit "
    $tempContent += "exit "
    $out = Out-File -FilePath $tempContentFile -InputObject $tempContent -Encoding ASCII;
    Set-Location -Path $psftpdir
    $out =  & .\psftp.exe $($Hostname) -l $($user) -pw $($pass) -b $($tempContentFile))



    if ( (Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "iControlSnapIn"}) -eq $null ){
        Add-PSSnapIn iControlSnapIn
    $bigip_name = 'bigIP'
    $user = 'USERNAME'
    $pass = 'PASSWORD'
    $bigip = New-Object -TypeName iControl.Interfaces;
    $success = $bigip.initialize($bigip_name, $user, $pass);
    $mgmtmode = New-Object -TypeName iControl.ManagementKeyCertificateManagementModeType
    $mgmtmode.value__ = 0
    $SSLDir = "E:\PowerShell\SSL\IssuedCerts\PFXs"
    $url = ""
    $pfxfilename = $url + ".pfx"
    $pfxfile = "/shared/cert/" + $pfxfilename
    $exportPass = "EXPORTPASS"
    Set-Location -Path $SSLDir


    Hope this helps others, because I've been trying to figure this out for months! Appreciate the help of Joe Pruitt!



  • Hi,


    I have done exactly what you said here and I am still struggling with getting this done.


    On the upload of the cert (your first script). I get this error. I am using the admin account on my test F5.


    psftp.exe : Using username "admin".


    I then decided to try and upload the cert manually using psftp outside of the powershell and I managed to create a folder called shared/cert and place my cert in there.


    Then in the import of the cert I get this error.


    error_string : error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory"


    This is so frustrating because I feel like I am close. Please could you help me here.


    Thank you, Lance


  • Hi,


    I have done exactly what you said here and I am still struggling with getting this done.


    On the upload of the cert (your first script). I get this error. I am using the admin account on my test F5.


    psftp.exe : Using username "admin".


    I then decided to try and upload the cert manually using psftp outside of the powershell and I managed to create a folder called shared/cert and place my cert in there.


    Then in the import of the cert I get this error.


    error_string : error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory"


    This is so frustrating because I feel like I am close. Please could you help me here.


    Thank you, Lance