This post is to go over some of my thoughts on ASM/WAF management, and some custom solutions I've made to make it easier and more accurate. This will be highly technical and will apply to most use-cases. Written based on TMOS v15 software, but will be mostly applicable to all recent TMOS versions.

Automatic Learning

  • Informational
    • Automatic Learning will automatically accept most Learning Suggestions that hit 100% confidence
    • Fully Automatic Learning will automatically accept all Learning Suggestions that hit 100% confidence
    • If your application open to the public, it will likely get scanned a lot. Some of the Learning Suggestions will be to loosen your policies based on scanner traffic it sees, like this one that would've accepted a SQL injection attack suggestion from traffic that's clearly from a Veracode scanner
  • Tips
    • Reduce scanner traffic that hits ASM policy:
      • Apply an iRule to your VIPs that have ASM policies that drops external IP-based requests. A lot of scanner traffic hits your VIPs by IP address instead of by hostname, and iRules process before ASM policies. So dropping IP-based traffic via iRule will drastically reduce the amount of bad ASM Learning Suggestions you get
      • I use the attached iRule "irule_all_asm_VIPs" on all ASM VIPs. It has a line to increment the "triggered" field in a Statistics profile named "asm_irule_triggered," so you'll have to create the Statistics profile with the "triggered" field and attach it to the VIP before it will let you attach the iRule to the VIP. This makes sure you don't lose track of how many bad requests are hitting the device
      • If ASM VIP has an existing iRule, irule_all_asm_VIPs must be attached first in order. See below for an automated way to attach this iRule to all ASM VIPs.
  • Ongoing Maintenance Tasks:
Updated Mar 25, 2024
Version 2.0

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