Minimizing Security Complexity: Managing Distributed WAF Policies


In today's digital landscape, where cyber threats constantly evolve, safeguarding an enterprise's web applications is of paramount importance.  However, for security engineers tasked with protecting a large enterprise equipped with a substantial deployment of web application firewalls (WAFs), the task of managing distributed security policies across the entire application landscape presents a significant challenge.  Ensuring consistency and coherence, in both the effectiveness and deployment of these policies is essential, yet it's far from straightforward.  In this article and demo, we'll explore a few best practices and tools available to help organizations maintain robust security postures across their entire WAF infrastructure, and how embracing modern approaches like DevSecOps and the F5 Policy Supervisor and Conversion tools can help overcome these challenges.

Security Policy as Code:

Storing your WAF policies as code within a secure repository is a DevSecOps best practice that extends beyond consistency and tracking.  It's also the first step in making security an integral part of the development process, fostering a culture of security throughout the entire software development and delivery lifecycle.  This shift-left approach ensures that security concerns are addressed early in the development process, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities and enhancing collaboration between security, development, and operations teams.  It enables automation, version control, and rapid response to evolving threats, ultimately resulting in the delivery of secure applications with speed and quality.  

To help facilitate this, the entire F5 security product portfolio supports the ingestion of WAF policy in JSON format.  This enables you to store your policies as code in a Git repository and seamlessly reference them during your automation-driven deployments, guaranteeing that every WAF deployment is well-prepared to safeguard your critical applications. 

"wafPolicy": {
    "class": "WAF_Policy",
    "url": "",
    "enforcementMode": "blocking",
    "ignoreChanges": true

F5 Policy Supervisor:

Considering the sheer number of WAFs in large enterprises, managing distributed policies can easily overwhelm security teams.  Coordinating updates, rule changes, and incident response across the entire application security landscape requires efficient policy lifecycle management tools.  Using a centralized management system that provides visibility into the security posture of all WAFs and the state of deployed policies can help streamline these operations.  The F5 Policy Supervisor was designed to meet this critical need.

The Policy Supervisor allows you to easily create, convert, maintain, and deploy WAF polices across all F5 Application Security platforms.  With both an easily navigated UI and robust API, the Policy Supervisor tool greatly enhances your ability to easily manage security policies at scale.


In the context of the Policy Supervisor, providers are remote instances that provide WAF services, such as NGINX App Protect(NAP), BIG-IP Advanced WAF(AWAF), or F5 Distributed Cloud Web App and API Security(XC WAAP).  The "Providers" section serves as the command center where we oboard of all our WAF instances and gain insight into their status and deployments.  For BIG-IP and NGINX we employ agents to perform the onboarding.  An agent is a lightweight container that stores secrets in a vault and connects the instances to the SaaS layer.  For XC we use an API token, this can easily be generated by navigating to Account > Account Settings > Personal Management > Credentials> Add Credentials in the XC console.  Detailed instructions for adding both types of providers are readily accessible during the "Add Provider" workflow.

After successfully onboarding our providers, we can ingest the currently deployed policies and begin managing them on the platform.


The "Policies" section serves as the central hub for overseeing the complete lifecycle of policies onboarded onto the platform.  Within this section, we gain access to policy insights, including their current status and the timestamp of their last modification.  Selecting a specific policy opens up the "Policy Details" panel, offering a comprehensive suite of options.  Here, you can edit, convert, deploy, export, or remove the policy, while also accessing essential information regarding policy-related actions and reports detailing those actions.

The tool additionally features an editor equipped with real-time syntax validation and auto-completion, allowing you to create new or edit existing polices on the fly.

Policy Deployment:

Navigating the policy deployment process within the policy supervisor is a seamless and user-friendly experience.  To initiate the process select "Deploy" from the "Policy Details" panel then selecting the source and target or targets. The platform first begins the conversion process to ensure the policy aligns with the features supported by the targets.  Following this conversion, you'll receive a detailed report providing you with information on what was and was not converted.  Once you've reviewed the conversion results and are satisfied with the outcome, select the endpoints to apply the policy to, and click deploy.  That's it, it's that easy.


F5 Policy Conversion Utility:

The F5 Policy Conversion tool allows you to transform JSON or XML formatted policies from an NGINX or BIG-IP into a format compatible with your desired target - any application security product in the F5 portfolio. This user-friendly tool requires no authentication, offering hassle-free access at

The interface has an intuitive design, simplifying the process: select your source and target types, upload your JSON or XML formatted policy, and with a simple click, initiate the conversion.  Upon completion, the tool provides a comprehensive package that includes a detailed report on the conversion process and your newly adapted policies, ready for deployment onto your chosen target.

Whether you are augmenting a F5 BIG-IP Advanced WAF fleet with F5 XC WAAP at the edge, decomposing a monolithic application and protecting the new microservice with NIGNX App Protect, or augmenting a multi-cloud security strategy with F5 XC WAAP at the edge, the Policy Conversion utility can help ensure you are providing consistent and robust protection across each platform.


Managing security policies across a large WAF footprint is a complex undertaking that requires constant vigilance, adaptability, and coordination. Security engineers must strike a delicate balance between safeguarding applications and ensuring their uninterrupted functionality while also staying ahead of evolving threats and maintaining a consistent security posture across the organization.  By harnessing the F5 Policy Supervisor and Conversion tools, coupled with DevSecOps principles, organizations can easily deploy and maintain consistent WAF policies throughout the organization's entire application security footprint.





F5 Hybrid Security Architectures:

F5 Hybrid Security Architectures (Intro - One WAF Engine, Total Flexibility)
F5 Hybrid Security Architectures (Part 1 - F5's Distributed Cloud WAF and BIG-IP Advanced WAF)
F5 Hybrid Security Architectures (Part 2 - F5's Distributed Cloud WAF and NGINX App Protect WAF)
F5 Hybrid Security Architectures (Part 3 - F5 XC API Protection and NGINX Ingress Controller)
F5 Hybrid Security Architectures (Part 4 - F5 XC BOT and DDoS Defense and BIG-IP Advanced WAF) 
F5 Hybrid Security Architectures (Part 5 - F5 XC, BIG-IP APM, CIS, and NGINX Ingress Controller)

For further information or to get started:


Updated Mar 14, 2024
Version 4.0

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