Forum Discussion

Bob_Vance_75936's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Feb 25, 2013

Deploying LTM and GTM on the same bigip box

Hello all,



We will be deploying the LTM and GTM modules on the same hardware and I'm looking for any deployment guides that would outline networking or communication requirements / recommended practices. We're not going to be using route domains, so does this mean all queries from gtm to ltm resources will be kept "in house" so to speak, or will it still require going out on the wire? We are planning at this point to have a dedicate physical (or logical) interface to the gtm listener.



Thanks in advance for any insight.





3 Replies

  • Hey Bob,



    There is no specific deployment guide for a combine LTM and GTM deployment. We do LTM and GTM deployments on the same device all the time, and it is a very straight forward scenario. We normally start with LTM, and do the full LTM configuration. Then we do the GTM part, as it normally relies on the LTM portion to be done. GTM communication is normally done from a client's perspective on the GTM listener (Which is normally a floating IP if the devices are in HA, or Selfip, if standalone). GTM will import the LTM servers if you choose so from the GTM Server configurations, treat the LTM like a separate server.



    You can use a dedicated interface / VLAN for GTM, and another for LTM communication as well.



    Good luck!
    • Eslam_Sayed's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Thanks a lot, 

      But is this meaning that i will not need any Vcmp License ? to achieve the target of having dedicated interfaces and side for LTM AND another external side for DNS ?

  • Thanks a lot, 

    But is this meaning that i will not need any Vcmp License ? to achieve the target of having dedicated interfaces and side for LTM AND another external side for DNS ?