Forum Discussion

Elias_O_16228's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 22, 2013

Redirecting request to different pools based on port number

I have two application servers as members to multiple pools. I currently created multiple VS with unique port service.


As you can see from example below, I would like users to be able to, lets say if in first url page (tuesday), click a link to "friday". It currently works as intended but I have to create VS for each port. I want to reduce the number of VS and conserve the IP addresses.


I am unable to test this because lack of testing environment. And as irule newbie, I dare not monkey with production network.




switch -glob [HTTP::host] { { pool Stagin_Pool } { pool Management_Pool } { pool Development_Pool } { pool Test_Lab_Pool }


default { pool Production_Pool }






Thanks for your help.


1 Reply

  • You don't have to create multiple VIPs at all. With the iRule you have here, minus the port numbers, you can host all of the applications on a single IP and port. I should also point out that [HTTP::host] is only returning the host name and not the URI, so because the host name is the same for all of these, you can create a single VIP and modify your iRule to look something like this:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
         switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
              "/tuesday*" { pool Stagin_Pool }
              "/wednesday*" { pool Management_Pool }
              "/thursday*" { pool Development_Pool }
              "/friday*" { pool Test_Lab_Pool }
              default { pool Production_Pool }