Forum Discussion

Tyler_G_320361's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 10, 2017

Maximum number of client SSL profiles per virtual server?

Hey y'all,


I'm slowly migrating all of our sites off of another SSL offloading solution into our BIG IP. We host dozens and dozens of SSL certificates per virtual server (we run paired IIS servers hosting hundreds of sites apiece, and they will eventually all be SSL secured). Are there any limits for how many SSL profiles can be on a single virtual server? With our previous solution we were running into all sorts of limitations, so I guess outside of SSL TPS limitations or actual CPU limitations, is there any limit?


Or I guess a broader question if someone wants to tackle it is, is there a better way to do this outside of upload tons of certs, create a profile per cert, apply all the certs to the virtual server doing the SSL offloading?