Forum Discussion

f51's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
May 30, 2017




I am new to iapp and I am trying to create a VIP using tmsh.


I used below format :


create /sys application service test template description "This is my description" device-group F5int-sync-grouptables add { basic_snatpool_members { column-names none rows none } } tables add { optimizations_hosts { column-names none rows none } pool_members { column-names { addr port connection_limit priority } rows { { row { 8443 0 0 } } } } } variables add { basic_addr { value } basic_create_redir { value No } basic_need_snatpool { value No } basic_redir_port { value No } basic_secure_port { value No } basic_snat { value No } basic_using_ntlm { value No } optimizations_lan_or_wan { value LAN } server_pools_create_new_monitor { value "test_1" } server_pools_create_new_pool { value "test_1" } server_pools_lb_method_choice { value least-connections-member } server_pools_monitor_http_version { value "Version" } server_pools_monitor_interval { value 30 } server_pools_monitor_recv { value OK } server_pools_monitor_send { value "GET /" } server_pools_tcp_request_queuing_enable_question { value No } }


But I am getting error as below




script did not successfully complete: (can't read "::net__server_mode": no such variable while executing "expr {( $::net__server_mode ne "tunnel" && [iapp::is ::pool__pool_to_use $::CREATE_NEW_ANSWER] ) || ( $::net__server_mode eq "tunnel" && [iapp::is ..." (procedure "v11_4_main" line 382) invoked from within "v11_4_main" invoked from within "subst $substa_out" invoked from within "if { [info exists [set substa_in]] } { set substa_out [subst $$substa_in] set substa_out [subst $substa_out] } else { ..." ("uplevel" body line 3) invoked from within "uplevel { append ::substa_debug "\n$substa_in" if { [info exists [set substa_in]] } { set substa_out [subst $$substa_in] ..." (procedure "iapp::substa" line 9) invoked from within "iapp::substa main($do_v11_3,$upgrade,$downgrade)" line:1016)


Can anybody help me ? What I am missing in that ?


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