Forum Discussion

Brad_Baker's avatar
Oct 01, 2013

Directing traffic based on query parameter

We need the ability to direct traffic to a specific node on our LTM load balancers based on query parameter.


So for instance if I enter the request would get sent to web-server1, likewise if I were to access the request would get sent to web-server2.


I found something very close here:


The issue is that this selects the 0th, 1st, 2nd, Nth pool member from the active members of a pool but we want to use the server name not member number. So for instance my member servers may be called web-server5, web-server6, web-server7, web-server8


Its un-intuitive to call member=1 and expect to get web server five. You'd expect if ?member=1 then you'd get web-server1 (even though web-server5 is the first in this pool.) Is there some way to call the node name specifically instead of the member number?


Thanks Brad


5 Replies

  • If you map the query string name to the pool member IP address this should be very easy using the 'pool member x.x.x.x' command syntax.


  • I'm not sure I am following. Are you suggesting we do http://somedomain/somepage?s=


    If so I'm afraid that's even less intuitive. I would really like this to be as simple as possible. What I'm really concerned with is asking colleagues to remember s=1 is really web-server5. Asking them to remember web-server5 is really is even more cumbersome.


    If I'm misunderstanding though please let me know.


  • As Steve relates, you need some (unfortunately manual) approach to mapping the web server's name to a node address. This can usually be done with a string-based data group. Example:

    Data group (ex. my_webserver_dg):

    "web-server1" := " 80"
    "web-server2" := " 80"
    "web-server3" := " 80"
    "web-server4" := " 80"
    "web-server5" := " 80"

    And then an iRule that looks for the query string and routes accordingly, otherwise uses standard persistence:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] starts_with "/myarticle.php?s=" } {
            set webserver [URI::query [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] s]
            if { [class match $webserver equals my_webserver_dg] } {
                set nodelist [split [class -value match $webserver equals my_webserver_dg] " "]
                node [lindex $nodelist 0] [lindex $nodelist 1]
  • Same datagroup. Slightly different iRule ([URI::query] does not work as expected in v10):

        set default_pool [LB::server pool]
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if {[class match -value [string tolower [URI::query [HTTP::uri] s]] eq dg_name_node] ne ""} {
            node [class match -value [string tolower [URI::query [HTTP::uri] s]] eq dg_name_node] 80
    when LB_FAILED {
        log local0. "Selected server [LB::server] did not respond. Re-selecting node from $default_pool"
        pool $default_pool