Forum Discussion

k20's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 03, 2017

Multiple ports monitoring



OK hope this is an easy one. I got 2 real servers (primary and backup) that need to be load balanced on port 443. Technically, it's not really load balancing, I only want to send http requests to the primary server. Now on those servers, I also have port 22022. But only the primary server listens to this port. The standby server will have this port shutdown. The clients don’t care about port 22022 and they are not going to send any requests to this port. Only 443 traffic will traverse end to end. But the LTM should care about the status of port 22022 because I don’t want the F5 to send http requests to the standby server while port 22022 is in a failed state even when 443 is good.


What would be a good way of doing it? Any one been doing this before?


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