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Jul 07, 2017

Querying VIPs' Details When the Name Attribute is Unreliable

I’m tasked with automating some basic f5 tasks, but am not a network admin. I’ll start by thanking this community for the the friendly tips I’ve received since I started this project; y’all have been terrifically helpful.

I have been pulling VIPs using a pretty basic query:


I use JQ to filter the JSON data returned by the f5 and get the “name” attribute VIP I’m looking for, like “foo.mydomain-8080”, and when I want some more information, like the pools associated with a particular VIP, I just use the “name” attribute:


And this returns a pool, like “Pool-foo.mydomain-8080.” This worked swimmingly for my first application, but it fell over with the second for reasons I don’t quite understand.

With the I get a name attribute for the VIPs with the same query, but when I query a VIP using that attribute’s value, like


The f5 returns

{ "code": 404, "message": "01020036:3: The requested Virtual Server (/Common/baz.mydomain-8080) was not found.", "errorStack": [] }

My f5 admin tells me that this is expected, because these VIPs “were built with an IAPP and are in folders,” like:

I don’t really know what this means, but it appears that I’m sunk, because I don’t have a reliable way to pull down a VIP and use its “name” attribute for subsequent queries. I’m exposing this stuff to incident managers and level-one operations, so I’d prefer the identifier to be simple and easily recognized by staff. So, I guess I have two questions:

  1. Was I actually using the name attribute earlier, when this worked, or did the name just happen to match whatever I’m really looking for when I request /mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/foo.mydomain-8080?\$select=pool? If it’s not the name, then what is it?

  2. What can I use to ensure that I’m getting an accurate identifier for the VIP that will work when I want to get its associated pool, or change its working state? Why wouldn’t “name” work? Is there another parameter I can pass, like ?recursive=true or something?

Okay, more than two questions…

Thanks for your consideration; I’d be grateful for any explanation you can give me.

3 Replies

  • Also, I've tried selecting "fullPath;" it's uglier than "name," but could do in a pinch:


    But I can't use the "fullPath" attributes value in my subsequent query successfully - the f5 throws a parsing error:

    {"code":400,"message":"Found unexpected json pair at configuration item /ltm/virtual/Common. The json pair is \"foo.mydomain-8080\":null.","errorStack":[]}

    What am I missing?

  • Hello, This may be simpler than it sounds. So, when we request a virtual list, this should be a recursive results.


    "fullPath": "/Common/foo.mydomain-8080" "fullPath": "/Common/"

    To get default pools from it, I should replace slash "/" with tilde "~" char:




  • selfLink is also a good option. e.g.,


     curl -sku admin: https:///mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual?\$select=selfLink 
    { kind: 'tm:ltm:virtual:virtualcollectionstate',
      selfLink: 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual?$select=selfLink&ver=11.6.1',
       [ { selfLink: 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/' },
         { selfLink: 'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~Common~http?ver=11.6.1' } ]


    Obviously, you need to change the localhost part but it's easier than selectively replacing / to ~ (i.e., | sed 's/localhost/myHost/').