Forum Discussion

smp_86112's avatar
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May 04, 2010

Customizing syslog-ng f_local0 filter

This is for v10.1.0.



I have developed an iRule that provides us with some useful troubleshooting information by sending useful events to a custom log file. Syslog-ng was set up to capture these events based on a custom syslog-ng filter I added using the "b syslog include" statement which looks for a custom string pattern. This all works fine and good. The issue I've got is that because of the default f_local0 filter, these log messages are also being sent to the /var/log/ltm file. I want to isolate these logging events to my custom log file by adding an exclusion statement in the f_local0 filter. However the top of the syslog-ng.conf file warns against editing the file directly, and the bigpipe syslog command doesn't seem to provide any way to customize built-in filters. Is there another way to customize the default syslog-ng filters using the bigpipe syslog command?




5 Replies

  • Hi SMP,



    You should be able to redefine the default d_ltm filter using the steps outline in Deb's article:



    LTM 9.4.2+: Custom Syslog Configuration




    See the section titled: Modifying the default logging



  • Hi Hoolio,



    Thanks for the reference. The document doesn't explicitly state how this works. It sort of implies that it works because the include statement is the last statement to load - much like apache's config file. Is that what I'm supposed to assume?
  • That's what I got from the article as well. If I remember correctly... If you try to define an object which already exists in the default syslog-ng config using an include file, it just redefines the object (and does not modify the previously defined object).



  • "...and overrides the default object definitions, since the include statement is the last one to load." That's a critical piece that's missing in the doc, in my opinion. My testing today confirmed my suspicion - the "bigpipe syslog include" command overrides everything else. Here's the syslog-ng customization I developed to send a subset of log entries to a custom log file. In my logging iRule, I simply need to add a "" custom string to the log output. I chose to match the string ": " instead of just "" in the f_local0 filter because it was capturing AUDIT logging events in the /var/log/customlog every time I modified the iRule.

    Logging iRule Definition

        log local0. "this goes to /var/log/ltm"
        log local0. "this goes to /var/log/customlog"

    Syslog-ng Include


    Note that including the definition for filter "f_local0" overrides the built-in definition because the include definition is the last one to load:

    b syslog include '"
        filter f_local0 {
            facility(local0) and not match(\": \");
        filter f_local0_customlog {
            facility(local0) and match(\": \");
        destination d_customlog {
            file(\"/var/log/customlog\" create_dirs(yes));
        log {
            source(local); filter(f_local0_customlog); destination(d_customlog);
  • That's a novel approach with the two hashes for differentiating the custom iRule logging from standard logging.


