Forum Discussion

wanlanman_97570's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 25, 2010

load balancing external and internal vlans through one f5 interface.

Hi all,



I'm trying to get a config working where i have multiple vlans (external, dev, qa) accessing the f5 through one interface. I'm not sure this is possible. I have setup 802.1q trunking from my cisco switch to the f5 and have created vlan tags on the f5 for the interface that is plugged in. The question i'm having is if I create a virtual server IP on the external vlan that is pointing to a pool on an inside vlan is the f5 going to care that the request and response goes through the same interface, even though it's a different vlan?



So, do the external and internal vlans have to be on different f5 interfaces, or can they share an interface as long as both vlans are riding on that interface?



Thanks for any info.





4 Replies

  • Both VLANs can ride the same interfaces - that's how mine are deployed. On something like 8900s which only have 2 10G ports, you pretty much have to go with this deployment if you want both 10G and interface redundancy.
  • As Chris said, once you define the VLANs--regardless of whether they're tagged and sharing the same port(s) or not--the load balancing configuration is independent of the ports.



  • ok! if I understand, If I create such as 2 Vlans an then I could pas all trafic of 2 vlans though the same interface. That´s right