Forum Discussion

Tomasz_93254's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 18, 2011

Irule strange problem

I have the following Irule on my LTM F5:





set subpath [HTTP::uri]


if {[HTTP::host] equals ""} { HTTP::respond 301 Location "$subpath" }


elseif {[HTTP::host] contains ""} {use pool pl_it_www-aaa-co-uk_p80 }


elseif {[HTTP::host] contains ""} {use pool pl_it_www-aaa-com_p80 }


elseif {[HTTP::host] equals ""} { HTTP::respond 301 Location "$subpath" }


elseif {[HTTP::host] equals "" and [HTTP::uri] contains "/qqq"} { HTTP::respond 301 Location "" }


elseif {[HTTP::host] equals "" and [HTTP::uri] contains "/default.html"} { HTTP::respond 301 Location "" }


elseif {[HTTP::host] contains ""} {use pool pl_it_www-bbb-com_p80 }





The rule works fine but only if there is a default pool associated in virtual server configuration. If I change this Default Pool to None from the drop down, the Irule stops working. Any obvious reasons why it happens?






2 Replies

  • Can you try this? It's explicitly setting the pool or redirect for each case.

        Save the VS default pool name
       set default_pool [LB::server pool]
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
       switch [string tolower [HTTP::host]] {
          "" { HTTP::respond 301 Location "[HTTP::path]" }
          "" { pool pl_it_www-aaa-co-uk_p80 }
          "" { pool pl_it_www-aaa-com_p80 }
          "" { HTTP::respond 301 Location "[HTTP::path]" }
          "" {
             switch -glob [HTTP::path] {
                "*/qqq*" { HTTP::respond 301 Location "" }
                "*/default.html" { HTTP::respond 301 Location "" }
                default { pool pl_it_www-bbb-com_p80 }
          default {
             pool $default_pool

  • I have tried this and the script is not working either. NOnetheless I think I found the root of the problem.


    When I did debugging:




    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    log local0. " URI: [HTTP::uri], Host: [HTTP::host] ,Path: [HTTP::path]"




    Sample log shows:


    URI:, Host: ,Path:




    HTTP::host for some reason is not set, which is most probably the reason none of the if statements were matched.Any idea why HTTP::host is empty? How can I obtain the host which should be